The past two days have been very busy prepping for today’s workshop on impact assessment. There was a great turnout from the ADEC team, with Jorge, Rodolfo, Paula, Daniel, Isabel, Silvina, Lidia, Marcela, and Guadalupe all attending. We were also grateful that Veronica was able to join. She translated a lot of information into Spanish for us prior to the meeting and acted as translator during the workshop itself. Veronica has been absolutely invaluable throughout this month.
Jayan did a wonderful job as presenter, concisely communicating the relevant information, and facilitating the hands on activities. Henk, Roman, and I also pitched in useful comment here and there. The ADEC team members were all very involved and enthusiastic. I hope the content we have provided is actionable and can be implemented in an effective manner to help them in the future.
Off to a dinner to celebrate birthdays of two CSC team members. Happy birthday A.J. and Gina!
#ibmcsc argentina